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Caravane des programmes

La Caravane des programmes offers students in grades 11 and 12 the opportunity to complete, in a single day, 2 training workshops of 90 minutes each in different fields that allow the student to meet the criteria of their Major, or to enrich their personal journey as part of the "Creating Pathways to Success" initiative.


Exceptionally for the 2021-2022 edition, the Caravane will be offered virtually to students from the centre, south, west and north of the province, from December 7-10, 2021.


The registration campaign will be held from October 25 through November 23, 2021. For more details, contact the Educational Counsellor who has the Destination Réussite file.



More details to follow.



Here is an overview of the 2021-2022 program:

  • Compétences en communication orale

  • Compétences en leadership

  • Considérations en matière d'éthique

  • Développement du portfolio

  • Entraînement physique

  • Gestion des comportements

  • Réseautage efficace et réseautage en ligne

  • Soins spécialisés : orthophonie

  • Techniques de gestion du stress