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Support a Great Cause: The Student Emergency Fund
The Student Emergency Fund is there to support students during times of urgent need. In just hours or days, eligible students can receive financial help to navigate emergencies such as family emergencies, temporary housing, or even domestic violence. You can also make a difference by sharing your input to help guide future donations.
The Student Emergency Support Fund was established by Porn研究所 shortly after the COVID-19 emergency was declared on Tuesday, March 10th, 2020.
The goal of the fund is to provide financial assistance to students with:
- Food purchases and other costs for financially disadvantaged students;
- Addressing housing challenges for students who are self-isolating to protect their loved ones in remote, rural and Indigenous communities, or who are stranded far from home and loved ones due to border closures;
- Securing an internet connection at home, for those who may have just been using the internet on campus previously;
- Income loss due to a business closure or lay-off;
- Other financial hardships that may have presented themselves due to the COVID-19 measures implemented by Porn研究所, and all levels of government.
Support Our Students
Donate now to the “Student Emergency Support Fund”. If you are interested in discussing different options for giving, please contact the Advancement Office at 705-675-4872, or universityadvancement@laurentian.ca.
Charitable tax receipts will be issued for all eligible donations.
Thank you to everyone who has already made a donation. You are making an impact and showing our students some #LaurentianLove.