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Education (Concurrent B.Ed.)

Fast-track your career in education.


Learn about yourself as you prepare to teach the next generation of eager students.

We also offer a French language Bachelor of Education: 

Through Porn研究所's Concurrent Bachelor of Education program, you have the ability to complete a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Social Work, Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work or Bachelor of Kinesiology degree while also taking courses to meet the requirements for entry into the Professional Year - Graduate a year ahead of other consecutive teaching programs!

Students will be qualified to teach at the Junior/Intermediate level (Grades 4-10). You'll also earn credits to specialize in a specific teachable subject. Student success is supported by an undergraduate advisor and director to assist with academic and education career counselling.

Students complete a 15-day placement in third year, a four-week placement in fourth year, and two five-week placements in their fifth (professional) year, along with support from staff. Placements take place in the City of Greater Sudbury and at K-12 schools throughout Ontario.

Key Features

A graduation hat on a computer
One of the few Concurrent Education programs in Ontario to remain at five years in length
An educational institution
Apply new skills and knowledge in real-world experiences and with your professors.
An apple on top of a textbook
Complete just under 90 days of practicum which exceeds provincial requirements.

Career Opportunities

Career opportunities include public or private elementary or secondary school teacher, college instructor, museum educator, graduate student, and many other education sectors.

Simone Desjardins is smiling while outside

Simone Desjardins

If I had to use one word to describe my time at Laurentian it would be empowering. To me, there is no better sense of pride than working all night on a paper, only to get your marks back and seeing that all of your stress was worth it in the end. As a Concurrent Education student, there are many long nights of studying, lesson planning, and note taking - and I wouldn’t change a thing!

I enjoy so many things about being a Con-Ed student. My favourite thing would be the placements I got to be a part of during my years here. To be able to teach is such a blessing, and seeing the look on a student’s face when they finally understand a concept is truly life changing. These placements have been unique experiences that I was lucky enough to be a part of for each year of my program!

I would recommend the Concurrent Education program to anyone who has a passion for teaching, and for connecting with students. Many people don’t realize that a Bachelor of Education is not just for prospective teachers, there are dozens of different careers that a B.Ed would help you achieve. This program, I’m proud to say, has opened my eyes and made me a much better person. I can’t wait to begin my career!

Simone Desjardins is smiling while outside

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